In Chiesi Turkey, each one of our employees is valuable for us. Human-oriented approach, open communication, solution-oriented teamwork, creating values, collaboration, acting with responsibility in all our work and developing a trust-based relationship are our indispensable core values in Chiesi Turkey.
Moving from the “People-Principle-Innovation” philosophy, we evaluate each and every employee of ours to contribute to the system with their strengths as individuals, and we aim to support them in their personal development.
As Chiesi Human Resources, our priority is to stand out and to differentiate ourselves thanks to our qualified human resources that adhere to our corporate values. Therefore, our main objectives are creating a pleasant working environment based on open communication, bringing talented people into our team, providing high quality services by strengthening our personal and institutional competencies.
We know that each of us is the creator of our company's future, advocate and an integral part of our original values.